“DCCB plays the music of Enrico Pieranunzi”
1.Persona, 2. Lost and found, 3. With my heart in a song, 4. Fellini’s waltz, 5. It speaks for itself, 6. From E. to C. (Enrico to Chet), 7. Night bird, 8. Coralie, 9. Brown cat dance, 10. Distance from departure.
Bert Joris (trompet in 1, 2 en 6 t/m 9, bugel in 3, 4 en 10)
Enrico Pieranunzi ( piano in 1 t/m 10)
Overige solisten:
Matthias Konrad (trombone in 3 en 7), Kees van Dooremalen (baritonsax in 5), Taeke Stol (bas in 5 en 7), Gerlo Hesselink (altsax in 7), Ewout Dercksen (tenorsax in 7), Roel Penterman (tenorsax in 9).